Wiki Phra Somdej International
维基顺德瓦拉康寺佛牌 by Lek Watruak

Somdej Toh (B.E.2331-2415), the creator and blesser

HTF Somdej Wat Rakang
Phim SianBart (Kaiser),
HuaDaShi Back,
Nua PoonPetch

Dimensions: 2.4 X 3.4 cm
Material(s): ground burned seashells + kaolin + Somdej Toh's holy materials
Item Ref: hds26758

This is a PAS Somdej Wat Rakang (SWR), Phim SianBart (Kaiser), HuaDashi (花大师) Back, Nua PoonPetch, created and blessed by Somdej Toh, during B.E.2405-2411.

- "Phim Kaiser": the SWR of this mold also has another specific name as SWR Phim Kaiser after the name of German Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II, please see details below.

- HuaDashi (花大师) = Somdej Toh, as Chinese Buddhists called him.

- Nua PoonPetch = a mixture of burned & ground seashells mixed with kaolin clay

Nua PoonPetch has its specific physical characteristics. It's rather hardly to make fake for this kind of content/texture.

Nua PoonPetch has very fine grain and white color like milk.

Generally, Somdej Nua PoonPetch have less or hardly to find holy materials, but this piece have some of them as appearing on the surface.

Enlarged pics of the surface from microscope, you will see Somdej Toh's holy materials:

- 2 pieces of green earth
- red-brown fragments of Kampaengpetch amulets
- grey holy stones
- a piece of yellow earth
- silvery metalic magnetic fragments

These are authentic features of the PAS Somdej Wat Rakang, Phim Phra PraDhan .


In the year B.E. 2440, during the reign of King Rama V (King Chulalongkorn), he made a long journey visiting many European countries.

During his visit to Germany, he met with Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II.

While they were conversing, Emperor Wilhelm II noticed a luminescent object on the uniform's upper pocket of King Rama V and asked what was in the pocket, curious about the luminescent lights.

King Rama V then took out the object from his uniform's pocket and presented it to Emperor Wilhelm II for taking a look, explaining that it was a holy amulet of Siam (Thailand).

The Emperor, showing interest on it, was presented with the Somdej SianBart by King Rama V.

Since then, the holy Somdej SianBart gained another specific name as SWR "Phim Kaiser".


During the reign of King Rama IV, trade between China and Thailand prospered. Simultaneously, there was a significant influx of Chinese immigrants into Thailand. Both the Chinese and Thai people held great respect and reverence for Somdej Toh.

Somdej Toh had many Chinese disciples and merchants who played a crucial role in the thriving trade relationship between China and Thailand.

One of the most prominent Chinese disciples known as Luang WijahnJiaranai, whose Chinese name was Heng (兴). He was a most important carver of the popular molds of Somdej Toh's Somdej Wat Rakang (SWRs).

Chinese Buddhists in Thailand also highly revered Somdej Toh, much like the Thai people. They were very pleased when they had been given SWRs from Somdej Toh.

They profoundly felt that it's a great pleasure if the backside of SWRs have Chinese characters on it, allowing Chinese relatives and friends to understandly read and pay their respects to. Somdej Toh benevolently approved the idea.

Chinese Buddhists who had artisan skills carved Chinese characters with auspicious words, blessing words, and clan's names (Chinese surname) on wooden blocks and offered to Somdej Toh. Those without such skills wrote Chinese characters on paper and offered to Somdej Toh.

As the result, SWRs with Chinese-character back were created.


Some Chinese residents in Thailand at that time, after achieving success in trade and becoming wealthy, returned to their homeland - China.

These individuals carried SWRs with Chinese-character back with them to distribute among their relatives. They did so because they had direct experiences for the positive impact of SWRs which had helped them prosper in life, achieve success in trade, and enjoy safety and happy lives.

When distributing the Somdej Toh's SWRs with Chinese-character back to their relatives in China, these Chinese believers, who had once resided in Thailand and directly experienced with efficacies of SWRs, emphasizedly instructed their relatives to highly respect and pay homage to the SWRs for prosperity, great luck and safty in their lives.

This is why Somdej Toh's SWRs with Chinese-character back have long been existed in Thailand and why some of them were found in China as well. These SWRs have been passed down through generations in Chinese communities and on China land.


Today, SWRs with Chinese-character back are popularly sought after and revered by the Chinese people, not only in China but also in other countries with a significant Chinese population, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, as well as Thailand - the original source.

Copyright © Lek Watruak
